Constitution of the MKMA

Mid Kerrera Mooring Association Constitution

1. Objects
The object of the Association is to obtain mooring rights and coordinate and administer the use of moorings in the middle part of Kerrera Sound.

2. Membership

Any person either already owning a mooring or with an interest in having a mooring in either the west or east block of the association is qualified to become a member. Members shall be entitled to all privileges and amenities of the association and shall have the right to vote on all association matters at general meetings. Applications for membership shall be made to the Secretary. Upon election by the committee a new member will be given a copy of this constitution and the subscription will be immediately payable. Acceptance of an application for membership shall not be unreasonably withheld by the Committee or the Association to any applicant undertaking to comply with all instructions and regulations relating to the mooring of vessels in the area. If an application is refused the applicant has the right of appeal to the Crown Estate Commissioners, through their agents Bidwells, 5 Atholl Place, Perth PH1 5NE, whose decision shall be final.

3. Committee

The committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall consist of Chairman, vice Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer and any other number of co-opted members as is appropriate. They shall retire at each General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-election.3 Committee members shall form a quorum at any meeting of the Committee. The Committee shall have the right to exercise generally all powers competent to the Association itself, including the power to enter into agreements on behalf of the Association. Any 2 or more of the Chairman, vice Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer will have the power to execute or sign deeds or documents as trustees for or on behalf of the Association.


The subscripion will be set at the Annual General Meeting by recommendation of the Committee and voted on by all members present, or absent by form of letter. Failure to pay within three weeks of the meeting will be followed by 2 written reminders (the second of which will be sent by recorded delivery) and then one month later if still not paid shall cease to be a member.

General Meetings

An Annual General Meeting shall be held in January of each year. A notice calling the meeting shall be posted to all members at least 21 days prior to the meeting. Special General Meetings may be called at any time by the Committee or by at least three members on written request to the Committee which request will state the purpose of the meeting and the term of any motion or motions to be submitted to it. Special General Meeting will be called within 28 days of such a request and notices of it will be posted to all members at least 14 days prior to it. A quorum at any General Meeting will be not less than 3 members.


Accounts shall be kept by the Treasurer and brought to all meetings and posted with notice of the Annual General Meeting for approval.
Winding Up

Prior to the Association being dissolved all financial matters will be brought to a close and any surplus assets divided equally among members as the Committee think fit.

R.K. 12/1997 Amended 12/01/2008